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Yoga Practice to activate the Neutral Mind (the calm and relaxed one)

Writer's picture: Yoga with DoraYoga with Dora

Updated: Jun 12, 2022

This practice, a set of Kundalini Yoga exercises taught by Yogi Bhajan, is one of my all time favorites. We have three mental bodies. The NEGATIVE mind is our protector, the one always looking for danger, the one on high alert. The POSITIVE mind is our manifestor, the dreamer, the one always looking for opportunities. The NEUTRAL mind is the yogic mind, the balanced, calm, relaxed one. The one which listens to both the Negative and the Positive minds but stays calmly in the centre. Each has its time and place, but we are essentially working towards the Neutral state, welll I know I am.

This practice helps with switching into this neutral state of mind. Come and practice with us:

If you would like to know more about the Kriya (Kundalini Yoga practice) here are the 10 postures that we are going to practice:

  1. Alternate Nostril Breathing (3 minutes) — sit in a comfortable crossed legged position with a straight spine. Close the right nostril with the thumb of your right hand, inhale through the left nostril. Switch by closing the left nostril with the ring finger and exhale through the right nostril. Continue by inhaling through the right nostril, switching and exhaling through the left nostril. Continue with a calm relaxed breath, always switching before the exhalation.

2. One legged forward fold (3-3 minutes) - Stretch the left leg out in front of you with the right foot against the inner thigh. Fold forward over the left leg and begin the long slow deep breathing. Allow yourself to relax into this pose. You can listen to the Guru Ram Das mantra. After 3 minutes switch sides and repeat the same folding over the right leg.

3. Butterfly pose with Breath of Fire (1 minute) - Come into the Butterfly pose by bringing the soles of the feet together and lean forward a little, keeping the spine straight and the head up. Begin a light and fast breath of fire through the nose.

4. Bridge rolls (2 minutes) - Lie down flat on your back with the knees up and feet flat. On the inhalation raise the pelvis up high, on the exhalation lower it down. Continue rhythmically. Inhale up, exhale down. On the inhalation tuck the tailbone under and activate the glutes. On the exhalation bring the navel to the spine.

5. Shoulder stand, or if you have neck or shoulder pain just legs up the air (1 minutes) - From laying down bring the knees to the forehead and raise the legs straight up with toes pointing upwards. Support the hips with the hands. Your back should be at about a 60-degree angle to the ground, so you get plenty of space in the head and the neck. Hold this position with slow, deep breathing.

6. Rocking bow (1 minute) - Roll over to your stomach. Reach back and catch the tops of the feet or the ankles with the hands with the knees spread wide apart. Either hold the pose or if you can, rock forward and back here.

Inhale as you rock your chest off the ground, and exhale as you rock back forward. Relax on your belly afterwards.

7. Child pose (1 minute) - Push yourself up onto all fours and try to bring the buttocks towards the heels into child pose. Knees can be together or wide apart. Try to bring the forehead to the ground. Hands can be extended forward or by the thighs with palms facing upwards. Enjoy the stretch in the spine with slow deep breaths.

8. Wood chopping in Hero pose (1 minute) - Sit on the heels if you can, otherwise sit cross legged. Have the hands interlaced in the lap. On the inhalation bring your arms up, on the exhalation bring them down — a wood chopping motion. Keep the elbows straight while dynamically inhaling arms up and exhaling lowering them down.

9. Sat Kriya (3 minutes) - Stay in hero pose with the ankles together. Interlace the fingers, with the index fingers extending. Left thumb over right for ladies, right thumb over left for gents. Bring your arms up overhead, elbows straight, hugging the ears with your arms. Out loud chant SAT as you bring the navel to the spine, NAM as you release it. Keep the spine straight during the practice.

10. Neck and head rolls (1 minute) - In a comfortable seated position relax the hands on the knees. Begin rolling the shoulders backwards and then forwards in big circles a few times. Afterwards come into semi circles with your head a few times, nice and relaxed.

Make sure to finish off your practice with at least 5 minutes of Savasana - deep relaxation

You can read more about the three minds in this blog post:

Enjoy your practice



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