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Writer's pictureYoga with Dora

Recommended to Read: Vishen Lakhiani - The Code of the Extraordinary Mind

Well, this is one of those books that you will either love and embrace fully, or just put down after the first few chapters. I was personally captivated by it and lots of the ideas resonate with me. Being a techy person I especially love the interactive features, hours of listening and viewing materials and much more are included with the book.

Here is a brief summary of the book:

Chapter 1. Transcend the Culturescape - we think we may see the world as we choose to, but it is actually fairly predetermined by our upbringing, which part of the world we live in, how do our parents see the world, what kind of experiences we had so far. These beliefs are the ones that shape the colour of our glasses that we see the world through.

Chapter 2. Question the Brules - as in the bull.... rules. Do you still follow rules that may have applied hundreds of years ago but are outdated now? Will you have the courage to question them?

Chapter 3. Practice Conscious Engineering - if you look at the human mind you can see it as your hardware being your Models of Reality - run by your beliefs about yourself and the world and your software is Your System of Living - your daily habits, your daily life. We constantly upgrade our computers, phones, cars yet do we actually look at our beliefs and daily habits and check in if they are in line with where we want to go in life? In this chapter Vishen looks at 12 areas of our lives (love relationships, friendships, adventures, environment, health & fitness, intellectual life, life skills, spiritual life, career, creative life, family life and community life).

Chapter 4. Rewrite your Models of Reality - going back to the hardware, here he goes into how to rewrite your Models of Reality in detail in all 12 areas of our lives.

Chapter 5. Upgrade you Systems for Living - coming back to the software analogue, here he goes into how to update our Systems for Living in all 12 areas of our lives, also recommending sources (further reading) to go deeper in areas we wish to and setting non negotiable set points to keep a benchmark ready for us to know when an area needs an upgrade again.

Chapter 6. Bend Reality - Are you happy in the now? Do you have bold and exciting visions for the future? This chapter goes into bending our reality...

Chapter 7. Live in Blissipline - To live in a daily bliss there are simple practices that we can do to stay in that state: Gratitude, Forgiveness and Giving. When you are happy and create from this state, everything is possible. These simple, yet universally agreed techniques take you there in minutes.

Chapter 8. Create a Vision for Your Future - Vishen helps us to identify the 3 most important questions to help us visualising what kind of future we would like to have, finding 'end goals' rather than 'mean goals'.

Chapter 9. Be Unfuckwithable - to become just that, someone who is not so much controlled from the outside but from the inside! Who believes that they are enough and they are ready to take on the world, because they are not alone, the universe has their back!

Chapter 10. Embrace Your Quest - 'The most extraordinary people in the world do not have careers. What they have is a calling'.

In the Appendix you also receive a Six-Phase transcendence mediation practice which I love and actually added to my daily routine! This a daily routine of 6-20 minutes that will connect you to happiness in the now through compassion, gratitude and forgiveness practices and reinforce your vision for the future through connecting with your future dreams, your perfect day for that day and blessings.

Go on, challenge yourself with this book!



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