Moving on in the 8 limbs of Yoga, within the 1st limb, the Yamas - our connection to the outside world - we have arrived to the second Yama, which is Satya, truthfulness.
To recap the 5 Yamas (restraints) suggested by the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are:
- Ahimsa - non harming/non violence
- Satya - truthfulness
- Asteya - non-stealing
- Brahmacharya - moderation, right use of energy
- Aparigraha - non-coveting, non-craving
For further information please read previous blogs on the subjects (8 limbs of Yoga), (Yamas&Niyamas) and (Ahimsa, the 1st of the Yamas).
The Yoga Sutras Chapter 2.36 relating to Satya states 'For one grounded in truthfulness, every action, and deed bears fruit.'
This Yama calls into our attention that being truthful is not just the abstention from lying but the coherence between our thoughts, words and attitudes. Everyone has their own perception of the truth.
'What is the truth? The speech and mind conforming to reality as seen, inferred or heard? Action that conveys the reality as is? When speech is not deceptive? When the luxury of our imagination is given up in favour of objectivity? When the false ego gives way to intuition?' - Swami Chinmayananda
'There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to accept what is true.' -Soren Kierkegaard
'Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear.' - Mahatma Ghandi
This Yama gives us the chance to examine the concept of honesty. What does it mean to us? How does it translate to our behaviour & communication? What is our relationship with gossip, manipulation or cheating? What do we put on Facebook/Instagram/social media for example? Is it a true reflection of our life or is it the sugar coated version? Are we true to ourselves?
The three main guidelines I would take home relating to Satya are:
Speaking the truth, kindly
Living authentically and in alignment with our values
Recognising and embracing reality, even when it's uncomfortable
Living in Satya isn't about perfection. It is a practice, like everything in Yoga. It is a journey of learning and unlearning. There are times when the truth is hard to face or when we are tempted to bend reality to fit our comfort zone. That is okay. Satya invites us to return to the truth time and time again, with patience and self-compassion.
Qustions to ask daily to align with Satya:
How can I bring more Satya into my live today? How will I practice truthfulness today?