I am so thankful for actionforhappiness.org's monthly action calendars, that I can't keep sharing them!
They say September is the new January. As in it's time for making resolutions, take stock of the year, reflect on what we would like to change.
I personally find September is the time when a new era is beginning. Big changes are usually happening as our children start a new school year. Like this year we got a 6th former starting, and a Year 6-er, already bringing the wind of next year's big change, when all three of our children will be in secondary education. Not to mention the one after that, when hopefully one will be in Uni...My point with this is, as the new era begins, and the focus is on the member of the family who is going through the big change, it is important to take steps for making sure that I am taking care of myself as well as the family. I suggest you do the same, maybe even with the help of this calendar.
Here comes September:
for more calendars visit: www.actionforhappiness.org/calendar