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Yoga with Dora  

Class Sequencing

Yoga class sequencing for 75 minutes classes:
Centering & Warm Up (10 minutes) + Salutations (5 minutes)
 Standing & Balancing - ladder/wave or blocks (15 minutes)
 Hip & Forward bends (7.5 minutes) + Core & Twists (7.5 minutes)
Back bends (7.5 minutes) + Inversions & 3rd eye (7.5 minutes)
Meditation / Pranayama & Savasana (15 min)
Centering & Warmup 10 min:
Salutations 5 min:
Standing & Balancing 15 min:
Forward folds & hips 7 min:
Core & Twists 7 min:
Backbends & Prone 7 min:
Inversions & 3rd eye 7 min:
Medi/Breath/Savasana 15 min:

Thank you for booking in, see you on the mat!

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